how does one describe a sunset,
and craft into words the palette of colors,
the interplay of the clouds, the sea,
the distant hills, the scent of flowers?
how the sun rays reflect on puffs of clouds
and in tiny waves in the bluish ocean,
while a solitary bird casts a shadow
on the orange orb descending in the horizon?
how can one verbalize the sound of waves,
breaking, crashing on giant rocks,
one after another, seemingly never ending;
lulling one to sleep like soporific clocks?
how does one write about the serenity,
the inner peace one feels watching the sunset;
to witness the climax of a beautiful day,
to watch the grandeur one cannot forget?
and how does one express gratitude
to our Maker for this gift so priceless,
that despite our many shortcomings
He has deigned our unworthy souls to bless!!!
© Vic A Evora