Caricamento in corso...
Vic Evora

The Plan

Somehow, our lives are never
how we’ve wished them to be
even when we wrote the script,
the guidelines for living our story...
We’ve made plans, even a screenplay
when we’re still quite young;
we’ve got our blueprints handy,
but events! sometimes go wrong
Young, we face the world innocently;
at times, we get punched in the gut,
we’re hopeful, forget to watch out
sometimes our eyes are wide shut
But we’re quite a resilient breed
we bounce back with ease and grace
we recover from all misfortunes
we stop, refuel, and rejoin the race!
Some of us take longer to recover
we wallow in self-pity and despair
we lose heart, or give up the fight
but we get healed, sooner or later
In the highway of life, we get lost
just like Siri, we must recalculate
reset the compass, find our bearings
our life’s course, we set straight
Luckily, life’s never all misfortunes
nuggets exist around every corner
good things and blessings unexpected
come our way, like fish to water.
Maybe we should be like mallard ducks
let setbacks glide off our feathers
taking in none but nourishing water
perhaps we’ll flourish in any weather!
© Vic A Evora



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