Not everyone will accomplish something great
Most of us just have to find meaning
In mundane moments that we are weaving
Into a tapestry of memories as we await our fate
Not everyone will achieve power; the authority
To rule, lead and have sovereignty over others
But we can always lead our sons and daughters
To the right paths; with passion and integrity
Not everyone can write treatises and bestsellers
Nor compose heavenly symphonies for all to hear
But we can sing a psalm, or say a prayer;
And to our beloved, we can write love letters
Not all will be famous; not even for fifteen minutes
Not everyone will find gold at rainbow’s end
But life will be just as grand if we got a friend
Who’ll shower us with affection without limits…
Yes, not everyone will accomplish something great
Most of us must find contentment with a simpler life
As long as it is devoid of conflict and strife
And at the end of it all, be at heaven’s gate...
© Vic A Evora...