Phillis I long yr powr have ownd & you still gently swayd Now nature has yr charms dethrond & time your chain decayd Both are wth such perversness curs…
Now leave the Porch, to vision no… Where the next rapture glows with… Now change the time, and change th… The following Seer forewarns a fu… To some retirement, where the Pro…
To the kind powr who taught me how… Thus with the first of all wch he… Did ancient piety approach the Go… Defended long by prejudice & p… Ive fancyd love a cant its god def…
To stifle Passion is no easy Thin… A Heart in Love is always on the… The bold Betrayer flutters still, And fans the Breath prepar’d to t… It melts the Tongue, and tunes th…
In Britain’s Isle and Arthur’s d… When Midnight Faeries daunc’d the… Liv’d Edwin of the Green; Edwin, I wis, a gentle Youth, Endow’d with Courage, Sense and…
Blessed Light of saints on high Who fill the mansions of the sky, Sure defence, whose mercy still Preserves thy subjects here from i… O my Jesus! make me know
As Nelly to a chamber got To take her leave of Ned She loosd her lace & Cast a k… (Ah why unlacd the maid.). Now pull the further end she cryd
Since bearing of a Gentle mind Woud make you perfect be Dear Celia to your self be kind By being so to me Hast to be happy while you can
O Tell if any fate you see Can more unhappy prove Than where the nymph will cruell b… & still the swain must love Twere Joy to sigh & serve a f…
Now early Shepherds o’er the Mead… And print long Foot-steps in the… The Cows neglectful of their Past… By turns obsequious to the Milker… When Damon softly trod the shaven…
Arise my soul & hast away Thy god doth call & canst thou… Thee to his table he invites To tast of heavenly delights He sufferd death to sett thee free
Look mercyfully down O Lord & wash us from our sinn Cleanse us from wicked deeds witho… from wicked thoughts within Lord I Confess my many sinns
Upon a time, and in a place, With Pan Apollo playd, Grave Midas sat to Judge ye case, And Pan ye Victour made. The Rustick to his Fauns withdrew…
Lovely, lasting peace of mind! Sweet delight of human-kind! Heavenly-born, and bred on high, To crown the fav’rites of the sky With more of happiness below,
The things that Mortals love are… & swiftly transient fleet befo… Or if with man a longer while they… Man swiftly transient fleets himse…