Upon a Bed of humble clay In all her Garments loose A Prostitute my Mother lay To ev’ry Comer’s use. ‘Till one Gallant in heat of love
Our Carys a Delicate Poet; for W… For having writt? No: but for hav…
By the blue taper’s trembling ligh… No more I waste the wakeful night… Intent with endless view to pore The schoolmen and the sages o’er: Their books from wisdom widely str…
Where waving Pines the brows of I… The swain young Paris half supine… Saw the loose Flocks thro’ shrubs… And Piping call’d them to the gla… ’Twas there he met the Message of…
To stifle Passion is no easy Thin… A Heart in Love is always on the… The bold Betrayer flutters still, And fans the Breath prepar’d to t… It melts the Tongue, and tunes th…
Young Philomela’s powrfull dart Two gentle shepheard’s hitt With Beauty touchd Amintors heart Celadons with witt The Rivall swains on either side
Time Sire of years unwind thy lea… & still the past recall to pre… Spread forth its circles, swiftly… But where an action’s nobly sung b… There stop & stay for me whose…
How justly art when Cælia aids s… Contends her ms nature to excell The slender needles in that hand c… Such forms as hers but of a better… The silk is placd the winding trac…
I look & in a moment run The poison thro’ my veins Nor Celia think your self too you… to give me amorous pains When heaven did the Sun create
Since bearing of a Gentle mind Woud make you perfect be Dear Celia to your self be kind By being so to me Hast to be happy while you can
Giddy wth fond ambition, mad wth p… Apostate angells once ev’n heavn d… Avenging heavn its hottest bolts p… And hell and thunder provd their s… Yet foolish man by no example won,
As Pope who gathers mony to trans… With Gay the Shepheard Writer me… Says Pope, your Ecclogues wont co… For Phillips to reprieve him Tons… Indeed the story may be true, says…
As Celia with her Sparrow playd She took a glass unseen Her mouth she filld & while he billd She spirts ye liquor in
The greatest Gifts that Nature do… Can’t unassisted to Perfection gr… A scanty Fortune clips the Wings… And checks the Progress of a risi… Each dastard Vertue drags a Capti…
Mourn widdowd Iland, Mourn, your… Mourn ye unhappy flocks your Shea… Around your grief in dolefull stra… & Lett ym in sad Eccho’s dy a… As sympathising wth their masters…