#English #Women
I walked abroad in Easter Park, I heard the wild dog’s distant bar… I knew my Lord was risen again, - Wild dog, wild dog, you bark in va…
Walking swiftly with a dreadful du… He smiled too briefly, his face wa… He jumped into a taxi when he saw… Leaving my alone with a private me… He loves me so much, my heart is s…
In the flame of the flickering fir… The sins of my soul are few And the thoughts in my head are th… With a solitary view. But the eye of eternal consciousne…
Coleridge received the Person fro… And ever after called him a curse, Then why did he hurry to let him i… He could have hid in the house. It was not right of Coleridge in…
My life is vile I hate it so I’ll wait awhile And then I’ll go. Why wait at all?
Mother, among the dustbins and the… I feel the measure of my humanity,… As of the presence of God, I am s… In the dustbins, in the manure, in… Is the presence of God, in a sure…
The nearly right And yet not quite In love is wholly evil And every heart That loves in part
Happiness is silent, or speaks equ… Grief is explicit and her song nev… Happiness is like England, and wi… Grief, like Guilt, rushes in and…
Our Bog is dood, our Bog is dood, They lisped in accents mild, But when I asked them to explain They grew a little wild. How do you know your Bog is dood
Away, melancholy, Away with it, let it go. Are not the trees green, The earth as green? Does not the wind blow,
I always remember your beautiful f… And the beautiful kimono you wore When you sat on the couch With that tigerish crouch And told me you loved me no more.
Do not despair of man, and do not… Who are you that you should so lig… Are you not also a man, and in you… Are there not warlike thoughts and… Are you not also afraid and in fea…
Sisely Walked so nicely With footsteps so discreet To see her pass You’d never guess
My heart was full of softening sho… I used to swing like this for hour… I did not care for war or death, I was glad to draw my breath.
In my dreams I am always saying g… Whither and why I know not nor do… And the parting is sweet and the p… And sweetest of all is the night a… In my dreams they are always wavin…