#English #Women
The nearly right And yet not quite In love is wholly evil And every heart That loves in part
I remember the Roman Emperor, one… Who used to visit for pleasure his… So then they would beg him for dea… Oh no, oh no, we are not yet frien… He meant they were not yet friends…
Walking swiftly with a dreadful du… He smiled too briefly, his face wa… He jumped into a taxi when he saw… Leaving my alone with a private me… He loves me so much, my heart is s…
Do not despair of man, and do not… Who are you that you should so lig… Are you not also a man, and in you… Are there not warlike thoughts and… Are you not also afraid and in fea…
I longed for companionship rather, But my companions I always wished… And now in the desolate night I think only of the people i shoul…
Our Bog is dood, our Bog is dood, They lisped in accents mild, But when I asked them to explain They grew a little wild. How do you know your Bog is dood
Was he married, did he try To support as he grew less fond of… Wife and family? No, He never suffered such a blow.
Christ died for God and me Upon the crucifixion tree For God a spoken Word For me a Sword For God a hymn of praise
Never again will I weep And wring my hands And beat my head against the wall Because Me nolentem fata trahunt
Nobody knows what I feel about Fr… I cannot make anyone understand I love him sub specie aet ernitati… I love him out of hand. I don’t love him so much in the re…
The pleasures of friendship are ex… How pleasant to go to a friend on… I go to my friend, we walk on the… And the hours and moments like min…
In the flame of the flickering fir… The sins of my soul are few And the thoughts in my head are th… With a solitary view. But the eye of eternal consciousne…
Dearest Evelyn, I often think of… Out with the guns in the jungle st… Yesterday I hittapotamus I put the measurements down for yo… It’s not a good thing to drink out…
Sisely Walked so nicely With footsteps so discreet To see her pass You’d never guess
Mother, among the dustbins and the… I feel the measure of my humanity,… As of the presence of God, I am s… In the dustbins, in the manure, in… Is the presence of God, in a sure…