#English #Women
Walking swiftly with a dreadful du… He smiled too briefly, his face wa… He jumped into a taxi when he saw… Leaving my alone with a private me… He loves me so much, my heart is s…
My life is vile I hate it so I’ll wait awhile And then I’ll go. Why wait at all?
Tender only to one Tender and true The petals swing To my fingering Is it you, or you, or you?
I longed for companionship rather, But my companions I always wished… And now in the desolate night I think only of the people i shoul…
In my dreams I am always saying g… Whither and why I know not nor do… And the parting is sweet and the p… And sweetest of all is the night a… In my dreams they are always wavin…
Our Bog is dood, our Bog is dood, They lisped in accents mild, But when I asked them to explain They grew a little wild. How do you know your Bog is dood
Why is the word pretty so underrat… In November the leaf is pretty wh… The stream grows deep in the woods… And in the pretty pool the pike st… He stalks his prey, and this is pr…
Drugs made Pauline vague. She sat one day at the breakfast t… Fingering in a baffled way The fronds of the maidenhair plant… Was it the salt you were looking f…
The pleasures of friendship are ex… How pleasant to go to a friend on… I go to my friend, we walk on the… And the hours and moments like min…
There is far too much of the subur… Spiritually not geographically spe… Menacing the greatness of our belo… Propagating their kind in an eight… Now I have a plan which I will en…
There is a face I know too well, A face I dread to see, So vain it is, so eloquent Of all futility. It is a human face that hides
My heart goes out to my Creator i… Who gave me Death, as end and rem… All living creatures come to quiet… For him to eat up their activity And give them nothing, which is wh…
In the flame of the flickering fir… The sins of my soul are few And the thoughts in my head are th… With a solitary view. But the eye of eternal consciousne…
He said no word of her to us Nor we of her to him, But oh it saddened us to see How wan he grew and thin. We said: she eats him day and nigh…
My heart was full of softening sho… I used to swing like this for hour… I did not care for war or death, I was glad to draw my breath.