#English #Women
Walking swiftly with a dreadful du… He smiled too briefly, his face wa… He jumped into a taxi when he saw… Leaving my alone with a private me… He loves me so much, my heart is s…
Our Bog is dood, our Bog is dood, They lisped in accents mild, But when I asked them to explain They grew a little wild. How do you know your Bog is dood
Happiness is silent, or speaks equ… Grief is explicit and her song nev… Happiness is like England, and wi… Grief, like Guilt, rushes in and…
Away, melancholy, Away with it, let it go. Are not the trees green, The earth as green? Does not the wind blow,
The lions who ate the Christians… By indulging native appetites play… Not entirely negligible part In consolidating at the very start The position of the Early Christi…
The nearly right And yet not quite In love is wholly evil And every heart That loves in part
I walked abroad in Easter Park, I heard the wild dog’s distant bar… I knew my Lord was risen again, - Wild dog, wild dog, you bark in va…
Drugs made Pauline vague. She sat one day at the breakfast t… Fingering in a baffled way The fronds of the maidenhair plant… Was it the salt you were looking f…
In my dreams I am always saying g… Whither and why I know not nor do… And the parting is sweet and the p… And sweetest of all is the night a… In my dreams they are always wavin…
Never again will I weep And wring my hands And beat my head against the wall Because Me nolentem fata trahunt
Deeply morbid deeply morbid was th… Always out of office hours running… But when daylight and the darkness… Not for this ah not for this her o… It was that look within her eye
It was my bridal night I remember… An old man of seventy-three I lay with my young bride in my ar… A girl with t.b. It was wartime, and overhead
Nobody heard him, the dead man, But still he lay moaning: I was much further out than you th… And not waving but drowning. Poor chap, he always loved larking
There is a face I know too well, A face I dread to see, So vain it is, so eloquent Of all futility. It is a human face that hides
Mother, among the dustbins and the… I feel the measure of my humanity,… As of the presence of God, I am s… In the dustbins, in the manure, in… Is the presence of God, in a sure…