There are many usual things On your mind when you have a mind To worry, There are many unusual aspect on y… Mind that are vulnerable, vivid
Many could milk a cow or Learn how to milk a cow and Still obliterate to cluster the st… One take in milking a cow, Multiple could shoot a rifle in ev…
I am doing Good For just A bedroom Writer
I was born anew and i was born now… strongly at me with my tiny hands… ceased to cover my face, leer at all this creature lingerin… and delighted am free.
All this Words looks Exactly the Same I bet
The blind goose with a solemn hear… White, pure and goes on and on and… But without the trails of the rest… All she ever sees was darkness, Darkness –this long parable and na…
It’s funny Dreams are funny They are just like mindset Altering your personal thoughts It’s funny how all you wanted
Hunger for silence Voice cracked whistles blown Cattles lost Ego’s bruised
You don’t have to be in distress t… Just like you don’t have to breath… You don’t have to be tall to leap You certainly don’t have to be sho… You don’t have to be loud to sing
A destiny must do nothing but wand… In doubt of ones approval and jot, All that one as done and most of What one are yet to do; And surely stride will be exposed…
Sometimes you Need a Break From Life
When Pavarotti plays On a timeless streak And emotions flares To caress lips and Tongues swimming
Merely is the bread, wine and your… Your countenance, Your eyes and t… It works in harmony its your sense… The weariness is the achievement m… Its the effort of your pain all be…
They lived and seed in light and d… Forsooth the great wall demise the… Oh no! the casts and judges are p… Although the reaction to the dark… The visual of their face goes blan…
We go from Dust to Dust Bones to Bones Cleared by air Bitten By Termites Sulked by rain