You should see the sketch of sorro… You should see the pain written in… You should try to dig what is hidd… Can you not see how her eyes are t… When her brows flinches up and dow…
Give me A guitar With No strings, Mouth me
Sometimes you Need a Break From Life
I know Something That could Do the Trick
I will not Pretend to Read long books Because of My little
Pretend to sleep tight and secretl… bare interest so if light will dec… aware and if the night will yawn w… are famously put to rest.
Take a look at the road where we a… My future, your future, our future When the time comes How will we all contain in our own… How will the world see our own shi…
I walk Through This pattern Because This is
Never forget To Do Your own Thing
I write when am lonely When the world is at its Wicked peak, I write when am scared When the thunder is kissing
I still cannot see the way she wal… How her breast pawned towards the… Her stripe mouthed shoes squeaking… With the earl grey gown i bought;… I pondered around like a deaf Ami…
All I need Is for you To read Acknowledge Debate
Is this life I seek Is this purity I recall Is this love I felt Is this death I ordered And If i could write them all,
There are sweetness in his blazing… Admiration of kind mind that winds… So, why halt? when the symphony Of grasp still commence, I can see the shadow line of where
Now, as you may have seen When old, young or when with Someone as days and weeks goes on, I do not know how our love is shap… I do not know what my coming will…