Feeling a multitude of emotions, that feel jumbled inside. So I thought I'd try to articulate it in a poem.
Honey water Glistening on your skin Eyes of silver Shining from within Smiling sweet
I fell in love by the sea My heart was swept away by the tid… Only to be set free Riding waves And raging torrents
Tangled up in you Swimming in hues of blue Drawing you In shades of dejavu Searching for your heart
Dripping like honey Off your tongue Everything’s funny When I’m in your arms Running
Lifeless & alone Lying in a winter field of white My frost bitten skin Glistening in the light Lifeless & alone
Free falling in traverse Sight seeing the universe From the backseat of a hearse Trying to outrun Cain’s curse A flash of light
Dreaming in black & white Bracing for a fight Chasing shadows through the night Trying to avoid all light For fear of being hated
I Am wind I am fire I am earth I am water The in between
You make me crazy Every moment drenched in gold You take hold of me Like a love story once told Swinging in the park
Killing questions with shade Sipping cool-aid under palm trees Watching haters burn & fade Into the sea Dancing stupid under flashing ligh…
Abandoning logic Giving into my emotions Diving into a torrent of magic Swallowing a strange illogic Dancing in the rain
The organs played As I began to fray Sitting in a state Of being perpetual irate Supposing death a suiting thing
Sleepless nights Hot & heavy fights Slump over the couch Mumbling the words ouch! Give me some time
Swimming in a sea of wonder Waking to the crash of thunder Running till the fear ceases And light creases Bending but never breaking
This fairytale Has turned into a horror scene Happy memories into a dream Succumbing to boredom Taking off the rose colored glasse…