Saro Bedian

A Jolt of Lightning

A Jolt of Lightning
To be struck by such a force of nature,
Would have no precedence in my life,
Like the greatest idea going out my head,
Into the great whirlpool of existence,
To be churned once more,
Until the pressure builds again,
And the powerful force strikes.
I would be struck by lightning at my proudest moment.
In my greatest agonies,
And highest ecstasies,
I would be pulverized by something far stronger,
To humble me and induce a sense of appreciation.
To be taken such by the hands of God,
I would call myself lucky,
He lived with a bang,
They would say,
And he died with one too.
No one could properly mourn me,
As I would be completely incinerated,
And the feeling of awe would never truly perish.
It would bring me to a level of god-hood,
That no living deed could ever accomplish.
Though many people would have funny ideas about the reasons for it,
I would always know that it was an act of profound mercy.
To be taken so quickly,
And to have the full attention of nature at my ending;
It would be a gift that could never be taken back.
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