Saro Bedian

Down the Rabbit Hole

One slip, a trip over gravity,
Falling, falling, spiraling endlessly,
Down the strange dark tunnel, full of lights,
Like tender moments in bed at night,
A piano, a clock, a rabbit, tick-tock,
Tic-tack-toe, here we go,
In any case the Spirit knocks,,
Upside down, on the ground,
A moment’s pause to look around,
A Room of Doors, the Portals where,
Only the brave would ever dare,
Only the strong beyond compare,
And all along they stand and stare,
And passing yonder to journey on,
Until the passage of the dawn,
‘Til hatters dance upon the lawn,
And the Red Queen falls with all her Pawns,
The Palace Gardens sing once more,
As was always as before,
And minstrels sing the tales of yore,
The Good Free People at peace now for,
The release of the tapestry of days,
And games and plays they all adore,
And live with their ways, forevermore.
With silver trays and tea for more.
Altre opere di Saro Bedian...
