Saro Bedian

The Enchanted Forest

Leaves on trees, changing faces,
Darkness and light in discrepancy,
Can’t be uptight, they don’t run races,
In the sun the visions come endlessly,
Drown in ecstasy, escape the distance of mundane existence,
Seek the feeling of whimsy persistence,
Meet resistance, turn and face,
The ones who hold you to their pace,
Rocky ledges, faces born into stone,
Beverages for birds, hedges overgrown,
Unknown words written into songs,
A voice singing freely is where my heart belongs,
Shimmering shadows, caught in effervescence,
Like a warm whispering breeze, a soft kind presence,
Kindness shown in simplicity known,
Extravagance in winds well blown,
Leaving you reeling in the face of the unknown,
Playing hands dealing our fate to be shown,
Sun rises and sets, but the moon rides in unrest,
Tides in tune with gravity,
From midnight to noon: the ocean’s caress,
Kissed once and undressed, nymphs are indulgent at best,
To be gifted and given of grace is to be blessed.
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