Aggression under control is a force confined. If it runs freely it is a force that defies all limitations, leading to the rise of violence. It seeps into the adrenal glands like a soldier of the night plotting its plan of attack, then all hell breaks loose. Its fire burns so hot, that all in its path will succumb to its intensity.
Since the beginning of mankind, it has acted in the same way. No dynasty or regime is different from the other in spirit. If their armies are too small, their dreams are aggressive. Every domineering nation has had their dreams fulfilled, either in a forceful civil manner or a war-like one, since the nature of the human spirit is aggressive.
Who wants to submit to another’s idealism? Who wants to let his spirit weaken and let peace totally dominate his being? Who wants to lie still and let others run over him? There is no peace in defying the ways of human nature. The only peace is in the acceptance and the retaliation against its destructive intentions.