Robert L. Martin


Oh sweet, sweet sugar and spice,
Oh that sensual feeling,
That other world of instant pleasure,
Those energizing angel fingers
With smooth, creamy tips,
Massaging my taste buds,
Running down my electric spine
Like a thousand violins
Playing a sensual rhapsody to the Gods,
An ode to the sweetness of the nectar,
The fruit of the tree of Eden,
The first bite of the first apple,
The savoring of every mastication,
Being led by the pleasure of the taste,
Jumping into the sweetness of the sunset
And riding on the backs of the clouds,
Breathing in the jasmine
As it rises to the heavens,
Becoming weightless and irrelevant,
Drifting with the wind up over the sea
In submission to the power of pleasure
And the charm of its spirit
As it gets inside and controls every thought
With a longing for more of it,
As it touches every nerve
That runs along the trail in the spine
With the desire to hike again
Upon that same exhilarating path,
The journey to the house of pleasure,
The recreation of the first apple,
The longing to stay in the garden,
To keep that sensual feeling inside
As it leads me to my final moment
As I breathe my final breath.
“Oh sweet sugar,
What have you done to me?”

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