, by Andrey Zvyagintsev
Robert L. Martin

Siren Child

Siren child of pure mountain streams,
of tender heart and compassionate eyes,
soul with beacons that purify the air
and sink down into the crevasses
and sanctify the spirit in man,
and her of two minds that
grow out of her cryptic being,
half righteous and half wicked,
half little girl and half woman of enchantment,
her arms that become all encompassing nets
that reel in all who stand before her,
and her silken skin that flashes and
mesmerizes the soul in man and brings him
to his weakened knees
as he lies in his pool of tears,
his identity in question and his heart
pierced by her spears and arrows,
her thighs above her skirts as liquid sunlight
that reaches into his groin with its soothing balm,
oh so soothing while
throwing him into the fire with
his heart beating louder than the jungle drums,
her lips saturated with an aphrodisiac,
her wine that flows to his groin
and controls his desires
and sends him upon a journey of
frenzy and passion,
and his self becoming hers to throw around,
his feet floating in the mystic air,
his thoughts clouded by her thoughts,
his pride left behind at her first kiss
leaving himself vulnerable to the blowing wind
that sends him wherever it blows,
the him so smitten by the siren child
that came into his sight
and cast him adrift on her high seas
where he forever drifts and drifts and drifts.

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