Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin


We make haste to forgive.  Since the passing of time is so critical for our well-being, we cannot torture ourselves and prolong our resentment.
Life is too long to keep resentment festering.  It makes sure the pot has enough time to boil over.
By forgiving someone, we are rebuilding the bridge that we tore down that we must cross to get to heaven.
Resentment is a self-imposed ailment.  The only remedy is to forgive.
It is so easy to hurt, and oh so hard to forgive.  Proceed with caution.
By the same degree of hurt to another, we are also hurting to that same degree.  It only takes one forgiving gesture to heal the two injured souls.  In that case, one is greater than two.
To do harm to someone else is to burn a hole in our souls.  Since it takes a whole-hearted effort to be free of guilt, only forgiveness can fill it.
Words and actions, when uncontrollable, are the iniquities of free will.  Only a conscience can establish its laws from within to harness the freedom of that sin.

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