Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

Dancing with Sophia

Dancing with Sophia

The mood was set by the love Gods caressing the strings on their violins.  Sophia and I floated out onto the dance floor while the music climbed inside of us and took us prisoners of its rapture.
Our lips were silent and empty, but our hearts were overflowing with sweet words that deemed us poets above all poets.  Rhetoric faded into the dark night and made way for silent whispers that we felt inside; that river of peace and joy that flowed through us.  No words or thoughts were wasted, but clung to us like bees to a flower.   Pleasure and beauty was a poem that we composed and recited in silence.  We danced to it and wished it to never end.
As we were drawn together, her perfume sent me to the gardens of paradise as the white jasmine mingled with the ether and floated back down from heaven.  Her lovely neck was like a tower of ivory, her skin was soft as silk, and her garments must have been sewn on the looms of the angels.
The music has ended, but Sophia, my love, stay with me as if the music played for all of eternity.  Let me stay in that moment that divides the intoxication of life from the awakening.  Let my lonely heart keep singing love songs to you, for you are the home where they belong.

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