Caricamento in corso...
, by Rémi Jacquaint
Robert L. Martin

Capricious Winds

Capricious winds at play in the restless skies,
winds from the wands of the skyborne sorcerers,
from the rattling bones of the thunder giants,
from the lungs of the air child beasts that blow
and blow to the ends of the earth,
from the currents that are
lost in the skyway maze
looking for a place to swoop down
and play and romp through the hills,
spitting out their snows and razor sharpened hail
and icy waters from their sunken pits
and wreaking havok upon the
travelers on the roads as they inch forward
and laugh at them as they curse at the wind
and dread every hill and bend in the road.
Fun, fun, fun on a cold Winter’s day,
laughing at the angst of the people on Earth,
and watching them crash and slip and fall,
fun, fun, fun, on a cold Winter’s day.

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