Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

The World on High

The other world
Of imagination and pleasure,
Of mobile truths that
Cater to our desires and dreams
Within a reachable distance,
A thrilling walk upon the bridge
Built with caffeine, alcohol, and heroin,
That bridges the gap between
Desire and fulfillment,
Paved with chemicals with open arms
That take us in then kick us out,
That leaves its sugar coated
Residue on our feeble lips as we
Cry for that same taste again,
That pleasure that once was,
That temporary paradise
That availed itself to us
Then came crashing down
Soon after our arrival,
That pleasure palace
With heart shaped beds
And red velvet plush carpets
That feels so soothing under our bare feet,
That offers eternal happiness
But gives out only a temporary one,
Then laughs at us for our disappointment,
The evil inside that chemical
That makes us come back
Again and again;
“Stay away and
Never come back!!!”

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