Qanubast Verse

We The Undersigned Demand Hemp Amnesty

Verily We Thee Undersigned do hereby state
Our intention is to liberate the cannabis plant
To share our herb knowledge and our stories
To end the of discrimination of cannabis folk
And to see weed vindicated as our medicine
We intend to defend therapeutic hashish use
To share our glowing healing herb testimony
To educate ill informed folk of ganjah values
Let folk know of cannabis miracle properties
And how good herb has improved all our lives
Giving us hope and a better standard of living
Yes We The Undersigned are ready to testify
To tell the truth about a much maligned herb
How hemp oil is a superb substance of grace
Our natural effective safe remedy of the Earth
That ameliorates, soothes and gives us relief
Our kind medicine fit for every day medicating
Cannabis has our admirations and dedication
We The Undersigned are ready to take action
To share ganjah informarion and our support
Propagate our green remedy and our passion
We demand change and free access to weed
Indeed we stand for cannabis decriminalising
Home cultivation and unimpeded medicating
Reprisal of cannabis law the majority despise
An end to herb lies, and government hypocrisy
Indeed We The Undersigned won’t be ignored
Our eternal cannabis rights cannot be denied
We The Undersigned demand herb freedoms
To medicate with green in spliffs and bongs
And an end to all state cannabis persecution
And an amnesty to end cannabis prohibition

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