Yes you’re chosen to smoke cannabi… O the plant of wonder did beckon y… You heard her call when dared to t… You answered her seductive whisper… The smokey vocation was made clear
Cannabis consciousness has germina… Awareness of ganjah power is flour… Hash oil is anointing society with… Herb sentience is infusing us with… Plant sense is augmenting cogitati…
A raven sat in a branch above watc… In a silent meditatitive state of… Looking intently downward at the… Spying its prey with a stoic stare… Below sat practitioner of herbil a…
By the power of love vested in the… Weed shall inherit the Earth and… Pot calming effects will lull hate… Cannabis harmony and unity will re… Let commence green revolution of c…
Arrrrrgh shiver mi timbers, pieces… O three point five it be an heaven… A piece of paradise in the palm of… And the delightful taste of luscio… I been smoking hash in a dead man’…
If a person cannot cultivate a pla… That grows freely across the plane… Then freedom is but just an illusi… And we’re living under a dictators… That enforces a tyrannical evil ed…
The ubiquitous underground herb of… Is a virulent growing super plant… An amazing weed that thrives and f… Astounding greenery that produces… This prolific bush is a divine gre…
To step into the sanctified chambe… To enter a hot box of intoxicating… And to meditate to dizzy heights o… In the holy inner sanctum of psych… To experience happiness induced by…
A smiling missionary knocked at my… He said he was from the church of… And that the religion he practiced… His religion was to be open minded… To contemplate and to exist in har…
In desperation they seek a forbidd… When all else has failed and hope… There is nothing to lose but evert… The only choice left is nature’s f… A herb possessing a potent power t…
At a certain right time twenty pas… Then is the time to feel the power… Adherents of herb get a certain ir… The healing glory of blazin’ to gr… To trip to a place that is shiny a…
To sacrifice one self on the alter… Is a noble deed, and is a worthwhi… To lose one self in the pages of t… To comprehend chapter, metaphor an… To fathom out the meanings of hidd…
The cottage industry of cannabis f… Must be encouraged and also subsid… Everyone who can should grow canna… Let the sick cultivate their own t… Old age pensioners growing prize w…
The spirit of freedom can never be… It grows in the hearts of folks of… Our desire is so great it is share… The choice to live life without st… Liberty to pursue happiness and pr…
O sublime hashish of stoned mind i… A substance of bliss and vivid ima… Golden hash of ambar colour and lu… She teks us away on psychedelic sa… Her calm laps over us with sweet i…