Our mission to transform fields to… A greener more pleasant land for t… A clean unpolluted environment for… With potent local grown strains of… Sharing green transcendental peace…
In the furnace of my mind i do for… Iron thought that i do quickly pou… My crazed musings do glow red hot Mental iron is shaped and flattene… Blow after blow slowly transformed
And angels up high blazed and sang Et fumus herbae ascendit in gloria… And ganjah smoke ascended in glory ‘Pon high a celestial choir did wa… Their voices were filled with rapt…
The forbidden therapeutic miracle… Is a treatment of wonderous healin… Our safe effective natural rapid w… Herb has great medicinal value and… Pot tonic salubriously enhances au…
We take the oath of pot allegiance We swear to smoke the whole bud And nothing but the whole best bud To always share our pipe, and spli… And offer our bong to our brethren
The grinning po-lice—man loudly sa… Sir, I observed you acting suspic… I have adequate reason to detain y… In order to search for illicit con… Dibble intrusively frisked the lad…
The whole truth about cannabis pla… Cannabicae is a herbaceous vegetat… That produces valuable medicinal r… It has zero toxicity and is very b… Cannabis has amazing healing prope…
An emancipated world of equality a… A better fairer world of peace and… A place of prospects for all the… Where everyone has a decent standa… And everyone’s needs are provided…
Blaze away babilon menality school… Fumigate your mind to rid your sel… Toke away prujudice instilled into… Blast 'pon the sacred chalice to b… Herb liberates our mind to think i…
The indignity of a strip search in… Forced to undress before a cackle… Big leering angry uniformed blokes… Intimidated, mocked, dignity viola… Then made to kneel down to cough a…
We are the law makers, we make our… We make our own morality and right… We follow our own paths with reaso… We choose to ignore unjust rotten… Laws that go against the natural l…
We can elevate man’s consciousness Highly augment his veiled intellig… Share our wisdom and our knowledge And educate, inform and share trut… We can mek ordinary men and women
The ubiquitous underground herb of… Is a virulent growing super plant… An amazing weed that thrives and f… Astounding greenery that produces… This prolific bush is a divine gre…
Judicial cannabis proceedings are… They’re prosecutions of great immo… A continued blight on the justice… And despicable treatment of folks… Their unnecessary appearances at c…
To step into the sanctified chambe… To enter a hot box of intoxicating… And to meditate to dizzy heights o… In the holy inner sanctum of psych… To experience happiness induced by…