The Visit, by Paul Delvaux
a b c d e f g h l m n o p r s t v Toutes
Addy Addy

I've been told that I'm a book of contradictions. I'll start with the basic stuff: I'm 23 years old. I have 3 siblings: one sister and two brothers. I was born in Savannah, GA and raised in the state of GA. After graduating from Gilmer High School, I went through a period of emotional tragedy that led me to the cross of Jesus Christ. At this point in my life, I realized that all of my sins had caused Him to pay the price that I should have paid. Upon this realization, I fell to my knees and repented with all of my heart (the best way I knew how to, anyways). When this occurred, Jesus set me free. He set me free from my sin, from my negativity, from my selfishness, from myself. He gave me love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness and temperance by His Spirit, the Comforter of God's children. He wrote my name in heaven, and He gave me His Word to guide me until the day I get there. Praise be to God for this wonderful gift! So, as you may have guessed, I am completely dedicated to the cause of Christ. Nobody, nothing will detour me from serving my God. Although I may stumble and fail time and time again, I keep getting back up and pushing onward for Jesus. In the end, He is the only One that matters, anyways; everything else in life is ultimately meaningless without God! They say that I have a very eccentric personality; I would concur. I have my "extremes", I suppose. I can be very hyper and energetic with my friends (to the point to where I annoy them), and I can also be very quiet and to myself. It just depends on what mood I am in, really. Overall, I'm an introverted extrovert. Although I enjoy conversing with people, I prefer to stay within myself and to think about the deep things of life. And by deep things, I don't mean just academic stuff; rather, I mean the things that really matter. The things that we will carry with us into eternity. The things that God cares about are the things that we should care about, for God is good, and His Word is good, too. Whatever His Scriptures state is true; that is what we should cling to, for His truth is the ultimate source of truth that we have. Without it, we are ultimately doomed to wander in the darkness of this world. It is a light to the lost sinner and a source of comfort to the redeemed. Praise God for it! I think very abstractly.... that's just one of my personality quirks. I think in angles that most people don't think in. I am also a people watcher; I enjoy sitting back and observing people in the midst of conversation. I'm always wondering what's going through someone's head and why they are thinking that way. I guess I'm just one of those kind of thinkers. My hobbies are simple. I enjoy reading the classics (To Kill a Mockingbird, A Pilgrim's Progress, etc.). I enjoy thinking about stuff. My most joyous past time, however, relates to music. I have a jukebox for a brain, so I always think in terms of numbers and music (math and music go hand in hand for some reason. I enjoy both!). I have been playing guitar for over eight years, and I continue to do so with the utmost joy! I write my own music and apply it to God's Kingdom. Everything you see on here will reflect the goodness of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May it honor and glorify Him!

Jenny Wren Jenny Wren

I have a very long and complex life story with many tales of woe and many more of laughter. I cannot dwell on the bad any longer as I may not have a lot of time to remember the fun bits and enjoy some extra ones!! :) I have been ill since the age of 3, or so I believe. To be honest it hasn't really hindered me.....I think being aware of your mortality generally means you stay awake all night while you are supposed to be learnin somethin. Bacround, meanin and application of Engineering...................... Sleep all day and hate the world. I would love to have a teenage child and very subtly creep different routines into the day to force interaction. My father committed suicide when I was 12 years old and left a huge emotional void in my life. I spent many years trying to fill that void with sex drugs and good ol rock and roll! It was a BLAST!! and I loved every second of it, good and bad! hooooorah!! But time rolls on, and I really should start thinking about settling down I have been with my partner, Richard for close to 9 years and I love him with every fibre of my being. But being together is hard, we have had some very difficult times. It is difficult to plan and create a life when your natural instinct is to pull away and hide to protect yourself from the pain of loss. I have never hidden myself from Rick, but jointly we hide ourselves from the world. There are elements of myself and some creative outlets that I cannot share with Rick initially because i just plain ol can't explain them! But I am pretty sure when I show him this site, and he looks up my page, reads my poems he will only feel closer to me, as nobody on this planet could understand the depth of my words but him. Travelling allows you to see a side of life you would not have been aware of had you not encountered it. I have lived in 9 countries in 7 years and visited more. I have partied with royalty and shared secrets with shaques. One very simple encounter 2 years ago opened a different path in my mind and allowed me a lot more peace than i ever thought i would be able to achieve. Anyone is capable of anything x
