To whom do i owe this pleasure? Is it you? My friend? The face in the mirror has been sh… Time and time again. The fear so overwhelming, The sig…
*never good enough.* *you’ll never be good enough* *pretty enough* *fun enough* *always too much.*
Eyes are the windows to the soul Is that why they are called blinds… To blind the world of our messes Our distresses as we distrust. To hide from judgement, expectatio…
Stop, do you hear it The sound of her tears, The sound of her blood trickling d… Stop, do you hear it Her pain, her dreams of death,
I’LL WAIT Even though it hurts Even though its unacceptable Even though isn’t easy Even though you discourage me
No tengo a nadie a mi lado, te soy… Eres la primera ante mi vista, mi… Y mis palabras que suelen elogiart… Se expresan con tanto cariño, cuan… Te amo tanto, amada mía, yo soy só…
Everyday is a challenge when there… It feels like you are missing a pi… Like you’re broken. Like the part that holds you toget… and has left through the scars on…
Me? I’ll always be a mystery A faint whisper, a veil of secrecy But when searching eyes first meet… Flush of red, world bright of blue And so it begins– our touch of pas…
Battered, Beaten, Bruised Broken, Triumphed, Used We fight Day through day Night through night
What is life without a bit of exag… Aren’t we all somehow, Drama quee… Why is it when i breakdown cuz I’… But when you ask me to be cold yet… How are you expecting me to act in…
Life is a book full of individual pages until society comes in and makes all these changes They rearrange the letters