Olga Gavrilovskiy

Escaping and Returning

with you, my Love

On dark, repetitious evenings
Of winter’s slow, tiring pace,
When labors of the day are done
And dinner from the table cleared
I long for an escape,
A sneaking out of the comfortable walls
Of our marital home.
To be a wild and untamed nymph again,
To lope down mountain paths,
My hair tangled up with ancient songs
Of primal forest calls
I listen with the quickening of heart
For distant rumblings of your pursuit.
You catch me as I run out of breath
And hold so tight against your breast.
We whisper to each other promised stars.
I dream of hungry kisses
Listening to rain tap tap its fingertips
Against the window pane,
Forgetting that we ever kissed before,
Discovering desire’s thirst anew,
Like children,
Hands timidly
Slipping under clothes,
Exploring warmth of breathing skin
As the electric currents flood
Our innocent senses.
With days droll by the chores and errands.
I want to throw myself at times
Into a roaring riptide
And feel that helpless terror
Of being on the brink
While merciless waters pull me down and under.
But knowing
I’ll fall into your steadying strength
Enveloping and dragging me to air,
To gulp life’s precious breath.
You carry my trembling, naked, senseless being
Back to the serenity and calm of our marital bed
And swaddle my wet, cold flesh
In your protective tenderness.
You bring me to myself.
Two souls tied together into one life
We tangle in each other’s thoughts and limbs.
Slumber kisses your forehead and mine
As we embrace, adrift in sleep.
You, my husband and protector, hunter and clandestine lover
I, your loving woman, perpetual restless wild child,
and elusive nymph.
©Olga Gavrilovskiy 2021

In marriage we tend to fall into comfortable complacency. The excitement of first dates fades and is replaced by daily routine and taking care of each other, desire fades and is replaced by the warm and fuzzy feeling of fleece pajamas. And as we get comfortable we start to forget and even take for granted the love that brought the two people together. Let yourself not forget about the wild, breathtaking, and sweetly painful pangs of love as you grow old with your spouse, know that he/she can run away and disappear at any moment they choose, like a little bird if you don't look into their eyes once in a while. Call them to run away with you on exciting adventures, feel the rush in new settings, cheat on your every day marriage with each other, so you don't end up cheating on each other one day. Kindle your romance and your marriage fire will burn strong!

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