Olga Gavrilovskiy

To Find God

(In Each Other)

Come, sit with me
In the quiet of our greeting.
Unburden your shoulders,
Rest those weary feet.
Ignore blinking lights,
Tune out ringing tones around you.
The world moves at neck breaking speed,
Slow down your heart,
Sit for a spell with me.
I want to know your story,
But we need not confuse
Each other with words.
I can read your beautiful eyes
Clear as day, you know.
As you look into mine,
What do you see?
I wonder...
You are not here for small talk,
I do not offer to solve anyone’s problems.
I have been here for as long as a tree.
You are naked before me,
Grief, confusion, shame, longing...
Gushing, pouring out of every crack,
Every scar of your soul.
No need for worry,
I do not sit here in judgement,
Nor do I hand out cheap fortune teller’s advice.
What will you find here,
In our silent discourse?
Peace, tranquility, acceptance, love,
Revelation, a puzzle?
Whatever it is, is yours.
I am here with you,
In this present and precious moment.
God is not in the midst of those
Who yell Halleluia the loudest,
It is everywhere,
In every fiber of you and me.      
©Olga Gavrilovskiy 2015

The inspiration for this poem came from a piece by a prominent performance artist, Marina Abramovic, called 'The Artist Is Present.' I highly recommend watching the documentary on it, very inspirational and eye opening.

Regarding God as It, a Being without gender is a Sufi tradition. Rumi uses it quite a bit in his writings.

#God #LovePeace

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll be checking out the documentary now

Do let me know what you think of the documentary and what impressions the piece left on you.

It was great. In fact, the best moment was when Ulay sat alongside Abramovic during the exhibit at MoMA... which makes it even more tragic that they are currently involved in a lawsuit with each other

What really moved me was other poeple's espressions when they sat with her, people she knew nothing about but gave that time and attention to. Those faces was what inspired the poem. Ulay coming to sit with her was another, multi layered event at the MoMa piece. I don't know what it meant for him, for her it was deeply personal, and perhaps had to do with closing the final door on that chapter of her life.

It's a lovely mental reprieve to envision such peace, serenity and calm endeavor, thanks for sharing such a lovely sample, however fleeting. Unfortunate for my tormented mind I always quickly return and ride the cataclysmic wake of God's ferocious side which plunges me relentlessly into the chaos of my cosmic future where the puzzle pieces never fit...like each piece is from a different picture in a different universe...

God, by nature is a miltifaceted concept. It represents peace, love, serenity, creation, and on the flip side of the coin are chaos, destruction, ferocity... Thank you for sharing, Steven.




Olga! I love what you create! Lets share poems soon

Thank you, Brae. Lets :-)

I imagine it is a wonderful feeling to be so intimate with God. Words are just wasted energy. Rhetoric is unheard. Peace is abounding.

Indeed, Martin :-)

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