Olga Gavrilovskiy

How Are We To Know?

The ever present questions of the meaning of our existence

How are we to know
Who are we to ask
What we are meant to be
And what’s our life’s task?
Each of us a warm light,
A wandering star,
Lost in a galaxy full of billions
We bump into each other, mingle,
Find someone to revolve around our orbit,
Someone to receive our warmth,
Someone to share this dance...
            *   *   *
How am I to know
If I am to burn bright and hot and fast,
And extinguish too soon in this rush?
Or if I’m one of those dim but stable lights
That last forever and outlive their betters.
Am I a beacon to all who gaze upon me,
Or a shooting comet,
Endlessly falling, falling,
Expending my energy
So someone would notice?
Hopefully many someones...
           *   *   *
Am I a yellow giant or a brown dwarf?
Who did they mean for me to be
When they willed me to be born?
Formed out of constellations of atoms
Into clusters of cells
That morphed into something...
Physically cohesive
But mentally and spiritually lost.
Am I supposed to be a unicorn
Or a rhinoceros? One horned too
But gray and laden with weight
Of ordinary life,
Gifted thick skin to endure
Whatever comes my way?
I do feel at times as though
That ugly hump on my back
Stirs, and I’m on the verge
Of sprouting wings
And taking off to the skies,
Catching a natural high,
Meeting the wind face to face,
Looking at people down below,
So minuscule,
Pointing fingers, shading their eyes,
Watching me race with the clouds...
             *   *   *
Am I to accomplish something great,
Or am I to lead a day to day existence,
Only daydreaming of what could have been
And what I might have become,
Wandering where I took the wrong turn,
And how to choose the right path
When next I come upon another fork
On this long and laborious road?
           *   *   *
Am I the only one plagued
By these eternal questions
Without any definitive
And certain answers?
©Olga Gavrilovskiy 2013

So often I liken our human souls to the vast celestial community of stars, planets, moons, suns, wandering comets. We are like them in so many ways: we are born, we shine, we fall, we meet, we revolve around each other, we collide violently, we get extinguished. And after this existence is done maybe that is where we return, to the cosmos.

#Bodies #CelestialLifeMeaningOfQuestions #Stars

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