scaring the voodoos away...575 77
Inspired by an outburst of wordsmithing haikus and tankas in the Tau Alpha Viber. Good vibes.
Meow Waiting To Be Seated The cat shows up instantly from no… As her food makes a sound with the… Instantly likewise it puts a smile…
a candle glow gloom doom situations we encounter in our lifetime many times come and go most we overcome
Love Offering A Gift of Soul A scream muffled lost for words Confuse I am whole body in distre… A different kind none prior and li…
Cotton Candy Sky Tsunami Sky tsunami swirls
Cupid is Around Red Flowers Staring out transfixed at the whit… Of falling crystal star flakes int… Town streets one feels isolated a…
Elusion What was it again? I had it, so I thought If I can’t remember it Does it even exist?
To the Autumnal equinox! A fleeting feeling & glimpse of summer with vibrant colors dazzling sunlight & unquenchable t… For a few golden moments...
Unbroken Sail On Dear Brother Bright blue beads sprouted yet sin… With the same aspirations purposes… Honor and pride dreams and despair…
a wonderful feeling to own cognizant of the fact that we are in the final chapter of our life
Celestial seduction Space immortals of light Come together like before Eternally from chaos darkness Fiery explosions of gaseous rocks
The Tree Is Risen A Rainbow Tree of Life The seemingly fragile branches had… From the beloved tree of life they… From my family my community of fri…
Poets love. Everybody loves. The greatest of the three Christian Virtues, the other two being Faith and Hope, Love is at once patient and kind. A continuation of our mother’s affection ...
Beach Life sun touches and water kisses gently feathering into surf bubble breezes sucking foaming soaking
into Empyrean behold! a joy... the blossoming of dawn as sure as the sun sets a new beginning rises
To sing a poem Yes sing together A two chord strum to your poem A tune we’ll master Together singing