scaring the voodoos away...575 77
Inspired by an outburst of wordsmithing haikus and tankas in the Tau Alpha Viber. Good vibes.
fireworks a primal burst cooing loving birds songbirds mornings
home brunch friday wild flowers red violets roses blue
a space in time outside the comfort zone the choice is very clear contagion life and death
time after rocking time wait on bentwood old chair rocking ever bent creaking train long time taking ...body now weak soul still stron…
Mountains The Eyes of Time * * * Tectonic plates born Naked to the sun rising
Ambrosia Undying Share a moment smile Compassionate full moment Hold someone share love
Sea Snake Oil The veins of the earth Water snake oil injected Purple roses bloom Deserts lush verdant forests
Slow Slow Quick Quick In life’s grand ballroom Little steps forward you make In step with the song Forward succession you make
Up Again when i finally have a chance to sleep...
Libra fair is fair for all stand up all stand up for all treated unfairly
cupid and the worm robin food in beak to couple hungry nestlings singing songs of love early bird gets the worm been
Nine It’s been asked. And will be Many times again The meaning of life.
Moonlight Lullaby a sequin night sky deja vu grayish pinkish cloudless sky fabric a sunlight glossed saracenic moon
October Red Winds Santa Ana winds Seasonal metamorphosed To fire explosions Hopscotching smoky canyons
Mothers back in God’s garden Continue to heal with gratitude loving your Mom Nourish the spirit she gave you in her womb...