Nelson D Reyes

splendid horizon

...winter solitude...

                       splendid horizon
a setting sun a weakening light
maybe some real thin French cookies Italian brioche biscotti toasts... maybe?
tea could be good even a dark bold espresso supreme
until time is no more... yes
all things we let go...
done time and again to today tomorrow
the joy the sadness the ugly
the beautiful in life all things let go
a nice cool soft breeze as we gaze as far as our eyes can see into horizon
sitting next to a sweet gentle soothing melodious sound of chimes... in our front porch...
maybe across from the sea
across a mountain stream meadow
across the asphalt street to downtown sunset
a solitude with time
a loving moment present to our self...
a giving back
to a supreme generous gift time has
given to us
blessings remembering with time
maybe with some thoughts of sadness
some thoughts of happiness
a thought even of that singular moment
not too far behind us...
catching up with us...
all humankind had reflected one time
or another
in their dream
with their loved ones
in their art
their music
their poetry
with friends even more so
and nonchalantly shrugged with a grin
yet come back with more angsts
like the age they once felt...
the only people on earth
who had it tough...
a bit wiser as they grow and accepting
gazing blankly into nothingness
in soft soliloquy... in solitude with time...
in synchrony with the caressing tender notes of chimes
we pause for that singular moment
in front of us
we look furthermore at the sun diffusing light
now eerily disappearing fast blurry
from the once splendid horizon
sadly we look at the unfinished refreshments
happy we partook enjoyed everything
engaged in
©ndr 01.09.2024
Photo: ndr Durham NC... Spring sunset street to Downtown

...a winter solitude...a change of pace in nature - renewals of the coming seasons winter is and reflection time in life in general...with the onset of a new year...

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