Caricamento in corso...
Nelson D Reyes

petrichor blooded rock...

king of the gods Zeus we implore you
  release the petrichor... quench
earth’s lingering thirst the soil
  needing  wanting to drink along
dry plateaus and steppe plains grant
  that your ichor drench
bring back life joy to parched valleys
  long a sad song
rain drummers nymphs Hyades rise with
Helios come everwhen... anytime
  of moon day
shower everwhere the arid earth... beat
those drums long longing hard we
  humans pray
help us breathe again deep down to savor
the fragrance of paradise earth’s splendor
pour the water over the wide valleys under
your domain of grayish dark nimbus
  cloud cover
come again rain showers scatter amidst
clusters of thunder and  lightning bolts
farmers furrow the ground singing
  dancing in the fields mist
praising goddess Deméter for a
  goathorn harvest she set afoot
a dream sensation of cool soft breezes
  the gods had on earth placed
a rainbow curtain from rain droplets
  Helios had in the sky laced
a good rainy day for the goddesses to
  frolic cajole with the mortals
as more water is falling from the sky
  Zeus smiles... scents the petrichor
  watches earth’s survival
oblivious to the sky whipping up snow
  clouds... some little snowman flakes...
©ndr 08.05.2023
Photo: online

...let the rain dance with the muses...transitioning to fall colors...on to virgin winter snow...a season of joy...

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