Caricamento in corso...
Nelson D Reyes

Ces’t La vie

...freedom of thought...

Ces’t la vie!

Come to think of it it’s all about acceptance–
let go and enjoy the moment day in the life kind– then let go of that moment and move on to the next one without anticipation and so on – and since you do not know what the future holds – a million things can go right or wrong – precisely that what you expected happening when you went into a room instead turned into the exact opposite – you ended up in Home Depot picking up a picture hanger because you thought the framed painting in the room needed to be relocated. Totally in the moment response to unexpected thought having forgotten the reason you were in the room for.

And you move on. Brew a French Roast coffee. Then fix a hot chocolate to drink instead.

Ces’t la vie!

©ndr 02.10.2025
Photo: online Salvador Dali Ship with Butterfly Sails

...Ces’t la vie...freedom of thought...and the world goes round and round...stay in touch once in a happy...pray...

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