Nelson D Reyes

memento mori

...c’est la vie
2023 Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. “Over the 137-year tradition, it is the 107th time Phil has seen his shadow.” Six more weeks of brrr...
...grab life...grab love that exulted all around you when you were born...ndr

memento mori
         ...c’est la vie
nestled in your seat looking out
from a plane at the cloud
you muse from a chill
a different feeling of loneliness
the horizon above the clouds
a sense of closeness to the firmament
looking down at the primal sea
the red sun ever radiating life
a parting of ways from paradise earth
you feel
on my mind
hour into flight coming back
from a friend’s funeral celebration of his life
looking from the window
the sun fading away steadily
stygian dusk sky getting in sync
a few funerals we had attended
seen the sad the happy part
the cadence somber journey
austere religious pilgrimage
to the here and now
our own pathway to Golgotha
focus on the fragility of life
reflect on our turn at the threshold
a rendezvous made from our primal scream
that outcry from our mother’s womb
a journey spiritual... as well
a  passage earthly secular
we partook on our friend’s life’s glory
the celebration punctuating his funeral
recreating the the joyous times with us
remembrances of mortality recalled
with the modest food on the table
friends around small talk noises murmurs muted sound we laugh we smile
you look straight out blankly oblivious of what’s around you
you connect
spiritually to our dear dead friend
the days of wanton immortalities
pure joy together like there is no tomorrow
go insane the joints enjoyed pure pleasure trip jaunts
a camaraderie between good friends seated deep in your soul its home welcoming
the primal scream eyes shut
arms and legs kicking
we want this life stronger than Satan’s would
and live through the growing pains we did trials failures successes
we mature we love and love some more
scream still we do but we kick with joy
smiles into laughters at times tears
a lot learned along the way
the wisdom of not knowing anything
and misunderstood we were
we cerebrate looking at the clouds
the unyielding feeling of connection is so strong
that we just unconsciously
routinely “ celebrate ” a dead person’s life
as if he is alive among us
there to enjoy his company not believing it seriously
he could actually be with us
toasting his life his immortality
rising Phoenix like to start a new cycle
a new flowering of life
a blossoming a cappella
a dust to dust mortality
sinking in deep in the soul
as i look into the horizon... alas
the sun had set twilight to dusk sky
since the dawn of light
as sure as the sun sets
a new beginning rises
a new pathway to a patterned
dust to dust memento mori
we smile we repeat
c’est la vie
Photo : Getty Images online
Video : the world exploded into love,  Bob Schneider 3:01 minutes

"...remember that you [have to] die...” grab life...grab love that exulted all around you when you were born...ndr

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