pathic pidity
rain rain come again every day
been a while since a gloomy dark sky
a bucket of cloud water in this neck of
the woods called Laguna
tonight suddenly I heard a pathic pathic
sound from the roof... aw crap
saw a synchronous flash of light and
heard a loud long thunderclap
that shames a flamenco dancer’s
rhythmic foot stomping
not any moment longer I saw distant
light flashings no not the round eyed
then a pidity pidity... pidity... pidity faint
sound from the roofs
the sky water trickling down the soft
coughing of the distant thunder
away fading
all is well again tonight in this neck of
the woods called Laguna
Photo:ndr night rain lightning in Laguna Woods
Video:ndr night rain lightning in Laguna Woods 4:18 minutes