Nelson D Reyes

flowers of love

...love is caring...

            flowers of love
and then i see you
your blond hair
now dirty white
you are sitting
on the bare earth
with your bare hands
soiled engrossed
pulling the weeds
your blue eyes
radiant in my memory
that moment
on the beach
our eyes locked
i knew as real as
the color of the sea
and the clear sky
we’re meant to be
for each other
we journey on
as one being
have our feet
felt the earth
how it pulled
rooted us deeper
closer to its heart
gave countenance
we are we journey
the love
we need
the love
we sustain
the love
we share
sky blessed
sun tempered
I see you as real
as the sunlight
shining on your garden
you always
give back
to Mother Earth
a love so tender
and a care
so embracing
in hopes to share
with the flowers of love
(c) ndr 06.11.2023
Photo: by ndr

...love shining on the wild flowers inspired this poem...gathering the gentle words they seem to say...a bouquet they expressed...saying “I love you too”...

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