...love is caring...
...love shining on the wild flowers inspired this poem...gathering the gentle words they seem to say...a bouquet they expressed...saying “I love you too”...
The Devil Can’t Swim homing dove Into the dark hole crawl you did into oblivion far and away into the deep river of the cave
Love Always Wins In the love aura Love is a wonderful state to be in if anchored in friendship As well friendship is a blessing
No Matter What Choose To be happy When you go to bed At night
moments of love a loving smile can evoke moments of tender affections from a loved one...
Lamb’s Book Of Life The grim reaper there at the door At all times 24/7, evil stoic Sa… He knows all humans are mortal wil… Sooner later they die sooner bette…
paradise lost from the tropics to the cold regions sky sentries of the atmosphere
happiness shared happiness 1 in my head brain mind day in day out I see... your happy gorgeous smile
rubicon sitting here in my white rocking chair on the porch of a new old 1910 house
October Red Winds Santa Ana winds Seasonal metamorphosed To fire explosions Hopscotching smoky canyons
April Thaw Spring Sun Funny again you begin to smile and… Baby talk to yourself clearly you… The flowers are saying hello to yo…
Tau Alpha Tau Alpha a Brotherhood unbroken will thrive
we continue to celebrate life ...w… “The longer I live the more beaut… *** We Grow Older At Heart october song
...I think, therefore I am not he… In the Heart of the Moment ...it is all... It is Beyond me
...and the livin’s easy summer... soaking up all the season has to offer hair down kick back relax lounge... the livin’s easy
least we can do we congregate we celebrate as we have always done the life of a dear departed Brothe… honor him we weep we pray