#English #Women
Do you remember, Leda? There are those who love, to whom… Great gladness: such things have n… Love looks and has no mercy, bring… Long doom to others. Such was I.
I am one of the wind’s stories, I am a fancy of the rain,- A memory of the high noon’s glorie… The hint the sunset had of pain. They dreamed me as they dreamed al…
BRING out your dead before you r… From lips beloved infection dread; Above such brows ye dare not weep! Bring out your dead Into the street from breast or bed…
Did he forget? . . . I do not rem… All I had of him once I still hav… He was lovely to me as the word, ‘… As the taste of honey and the smel… What if he forget if I remember?
Here in a quiet and dusty room the… Faded as crumbled stone or shiftin… Forlorn as ashes, shrivelled, scen… Meadows and gardens running throug… In this brown husk a dale of hawth…
You give me no portent of imperman… Though before sun goes you are lon… Your bright, inherited crown Withered and fallen down. It seems that your blue immobility
DRINK of our Cup—of the red win… All the wild shames that have crus… Passion that twists in it, Madnes… Fever that yearns in it, Folly th… Drink of our Cup! It is Love, it…
A STREET at night, a silent squ… That mirth forbids; Whose windows, with drawn lips and… Resent the intruder’s stare. Where winds are cautious in their…
Round them a fierce, wide, crazy n… Heaves with crushed lips and glowi… Against the huge and drowsy sun. Beneath them turn the glittering t… Where dizzy waters reel with gold,
Unaware of its terror, And but half aware Of the world’s beauty near her– Of sunlight on the stones, And trembling birds in the square,
DEAD man! will you ride with me, As you rode that night of yore, Will you ride with me, once more To Tintagel by the sea? When those savage words were said—
O YE, who rode the gales of Sici… Sandalled with flame, Spread on the pirate winds; o ye w… No wind-flower as ye came— Though Pelion shivered when the t…
WHO shall forget till his last ho… Until the useful service of the du… Hath drawn the emptying cerements… Until the Earth hath eaten love a… Mirth, Beauty, and their kin . .…
Give me no coil of daemon flowers– Pale Messalines that faint and br… Through the spent and secret twili… On their strange feasts of blood. Five me wild things of moss and pe…
COME here, rekindle the old fire… This last night leave no lamp unli… In later days we twain shall sit, Remembering the joys of it,— The warmth and sweetness of desire…