#English #Women
DEAD man! will you ride with me, As you rode that night of yore, Will you ride with me, once more To Tintagel by the sea? When those savage words were said—
Round them a fierce, wide, crazy n… Heaves with crushed lips and glowi… Against the huge and drowsy sun. Beneath them turn the glittering t… Where dizzy waters reel with gold,
Here in a quiet and dusty room the… Faded as crumbled stone or shiftin… Forlorn as ashes, shrivelled, scen… Meadows and gardens running throug… In this brown husk a dale of hawth…
I will not have roses in my room a… Nor listen to sonnets of Michael… To-night nor any night, nor fret m… With all the trouble of things tha… I will be as other women-come and…
CHANGE shall accustom me in aft… To kingdom’s builded on life’s ove… Onward with other poets I shall g… Unpraised of thee. though praised… Until the vine that thou hast quck…
There shall be a song for both of… Though fools say you have long out… And when, perhaps, because your ha… You go unsung, to whom all praise… And no men kiss your hands—your fr…
THIS POEM, DEDICATED… To twilight heads comes Death as… As with the gentle fading of the y… Fades rose, folds leaf, falls frui… Unquestioning draw near,
Are you my songs, importunate of p… Be still, remember for your comfor… That sweeter birds have had less l… Before men piped them from their l… Greener leaves than yours are lost…
If I have given myself to you, an… And if these pale hands are not vi… Nor these bright lips beneath your… What matters it? I do not stand n… By your old foolish judgments of d…
ANDROMEDA. Chained to the years by the measur… Here I hang, here I suffer, here… Since the light sprang forth from… Since the sky was sundered and sav…
FAREWELL is said! Yea, but I… All that my Greeting gave. In you hath Hope her doom and Joy… Still you go crowned with old imag… Clad in the purple that young pass…
‘I thought you loved me.’ ‘No, it… ‘When we stood there, closer than… Was shining and queer in your hair… ‘That made you?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Just the… Under the tree?’ ‘Well, your mout…
Between two common days this day w… When Love went to the ending that… His seamless robe was rent, his bo… He took at last the sponge’s bitte… A simple day the dawn has watched…
The evening found us whom the day… Once more in bitter anger, you and… Over some small, some foolish, tri… Our anger would not decently let d… But dragged between us, shamed and…
Give me no coil of daemon flowers– Pale Messalines that faint and br… Through the spent and secret twili… On their strange feasts of blood. Five me wild things of moss and pe…