Unrestrained Never Confined

Poem: Morning

A morning walk through damp Valley woods,
athletic runners passing me by,
the way some human brains survive anarchy
and emerge capable of action and creativity
knowing my poetry may be recited across the nothing,
seeing the bees sway flying fast,
ferociously chasing blossoms on the trail’s green,
or the struggle and victory of conceiving a daring plan,
sharing something valuable with a good man
feeling the spider-web illusions of depression fade into nothingness,
that lewd, divine feeling of a happy bliss,
the music of Elton and Falco,
singing for the rich(such a blessed sin)
seeking happiness by looking deep within
bellowing to midnight streets
seeing my thriving friend merrily feast on hot chocolate
medium eggs doused in hot sauce
“No tortillas please” by Sublime
choosing whether to rhyme
dreaming of.... swimming in the Hawaiian sea
mundane epiphanies
knowing this world abounds with!!!love!!! and possibilities.


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