Please say yes to me that you love… it might be to your benefit to say… If you’re about to say no to me, y… I will make it my mission to persu… If you do say yes to our love then…
My old self who’s there Always, Putting me down Yes it’s him That’s dying.
Damn those cars! Who cares for as… or petrol stations when there is i… the lonely lure of evening platfor… and empty, echoing with breaks, an… accelerating rhythms of car wheels…
Sometimes during the day I day dr… I secretly wish upon the invisible… and send the sky my daydreams. And even though It all seems bett… I only daydream poetry for you
Keep at it until each of you can’t breathe and it’s hard to tell where you stop and she starts and you don’t know what day it is, or week it is, and you really don’t care. Imagine ways...
I looked into the mirror today, an… A reflection of a total stranger. And I heard it repeat in my head. Stranger.... But,
One gentle moment of life, a coven… Once more I hold you in my arms,… For I know that I must leave you… Your hair benenath my fingers, fee… And your eyes, oh those hazel eyes…
I miss you
I wrote a poem about love and It read itself and sneered, yanked the pencil out of my hand, flipped the eraser tip into suicide grip and rubbed
Screwed up family Nobody cares Neither does She In a world of darkness My life is total chaos
who do they think they are my fami… the one i was born into the one I got blood traces to in p… parts of me look around with disda… and wonder why am i
Drinking stale coffee burning my tongue I wait... and wait... at another dirty train station
A rose painted blue is a reason. A green Turtle
be quiet my heart be quiet don’t weep you can only wait you can only hope
a young boy around 8 years-old went to the library and would look through the shelves