Unrestrained Never Confined

Poem: Love

You know what?! Thy! Thine! Mortal! Eternity. All sounds nice!
A poem is like this, “Ohh, My love will shine within thine own eyes again as they look upon you”
I guess so.
But why not be true to the words and say, “I will be damned if my fingers will ever touch upon immortal love as I have for thee”.
Yes. I mean it! But you as any other girl I suppose want to hear it this way.
“Even a thousand kisses could never replace your own to me.
For in your eyes swims creativity born unto thy mortal soul
For in your smile swims beauty born unto thy mortal soul
For a thousand years could never replace eternity without you
Even when the flowers fade and spring comes to its glorious end
For this love in my heart will bring them back with beauteous life
My love will shine within thine own heart as it loves only you.
My love will shine and I will be your hero.”
Nicer it is! It is why special women that we men love make us go crazy for you.
Not impressed?
Lets see?  
“My pen honestly holds his untold thoughts
While the screen waits for text to be born onto it
Through my words that impregnate my mind in lots
Of pieces and puzzles that don’t seem to quite fit.”
"Into the perfect arrangement that I hold in my mind
When 5 minutes ago, I first took thought to write this pensive poem
That would be my perfect masterpiece of the most ingenious kind
If only my wandering love of only you wouldn’t constantly roam
I would be done with this most awesome task at hand
Then my mind would be free of times built up worry
Of watching the minutes pass another day of sand
Or of writing it carelessly in too much of a hurry
.....This a shame for one to think that one day I’d die
.....Without a poetic writing to make you sigh"
I know.
Words do jump at you.
I prefer action
But I cannot.
Sadly I cannot......
As the song says.
Can I be your hero?
I can try to be your hero.....



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