Unrestrained Never Confined


While gazing out life’s window
Love’s melancholic sadness
Suddenly surrounds me
Tries to drown me
In an ocean of confusion
As endless questions fill my mind
That are seemingly unanswerable
Making me feel uneasy
As I ponder them at life’s doors of discomfort
Casually uncertainties encircle my life
Dividing me in two with unanswerable questions like
Should I or should I not?
I feel I’ll never really know
As I walk round and round feet hardly touching the ground
While questions pass through my mind
That are seemingly unanswerable
Leaving me unsteady
As I stand at life’s doors of discomfort
Suredly she asks the questions
Does he truly love me?
The same way that I loved him
In my own UN-forgivable way
That will impossibly absolve him of all responsibility
While leaving doubts in my mind
That are seemingly unquestionable
Making me feel anxious
As I stare through life’s doors of discomfort
Will his love sustain her trust needs?
Help fulfill their soul’s destiny
Only time’s lament will tell
As she cries silently
A future’s past untold
Which causes more questions to pass through her mind
That are seemingly unanswerable
Making her feel apprehensive
As she enters through life’s doors of questions
Will his love squash my insecurities?
Those ones that slide around my mind
Leaving me dazed and confused
Never really knowing
Who or what will really save me
From endless doubts that float through my mind
That are seemingly unquestionable
Making me feel unsure
As I walk through life’s doors of discomfort
Will his love save me?
From this sea of melancholic sadness
That surrounds me
Tries to drown me
In an ocean of dysphoria
Where doubts pass through my mind
That are seemingly unquestionable
Leaving me bereft
After I shut life’s doors of discomfort


Certainty tells me to fight for the love of my wife.

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