I’m sorry I didn’t mean to call y… but I couldn’t fight it I guess I was weak and couldn’t e… and so I surrender just to hear yo… I know how many times I said I’m…
I sound the call and yet I cry for the answer never comes I see the distant ocean sea and hear the sound of drums. And yet, although I would engage,
as if as if... bygones were bygones and refilled carriages fresh cut’s bleeding could cover a stitch
Above all these things that have torn your soul up and makes me curse myself but there’s something clear and I want the world to confirm it…
He sits in His room, pen and paper at hand, afraid that His missives are nothing but bland. Emotions unbridled
How many times does a man have to… How many times does a man have to… How many times does one ask for fo… Tell me God, how many times? I walk along the shoreline alone
Please say yes to me that you love… it might be to your benefit to say… If you’re about to say no to me, y… I will make it my mission to persu… If you do say yes to our love then…
Screwed up family Nobody cares Neither does She In a world of darkness My life is total chaos
In the mirror I saw an angel weep… I tried but I couldn’t avert my e… I realized too late No one is perfect no matter how ha… I realized the reflection in the m…
In the end he played and sang my simple sounds of life and each who listened felt the song was meant for him. I sat and watched his breath dance…
Daily she takes over my thoughts a beautiful rebellious image her silhouette in motion . Or her eyes hazel, they have hypnotized me
Small devils, demons, angels soull… Inhabit nether worlds avoid the li… Today they weave their webs in cyb… Vicarious they are another race We worked and played in stark real…
My old self who’s there Always, Putting me down Yes it’s him That’s dying.
Thinking of you.... Johanne... The light and the air and the wisps of your hair cascade like moonlight. The drops of your sweat, like dew upon your body. The rise of your chest, the so...