Unrestrained Never Confined

Writing: Please say NO

Please say yes to me that you love me, but think twice.
it might be to your benefit to say no to me.
If you’re about to say no to me, you might be mistaken though
I will make it my mission to persuade you to say yes.
If you do say yes to our love then I will stop dreaming and again become an idiot,
why don’t you tell me no and give me that “yes,” little by little.
Tell me you’re not considering a “yes”
and leave the rest up to me.
Because if it becomes easy
loves turns frail and one stops dreaming.
Tell me no and leave your door open.
Tell me no
and you’ll have me thinking about you all day long,
planning a strategy to make you say “yes.”
Tell me no
and throw me a “yes” in disguise,
pierce me with doubt
and I shall always be by your side.
If you say yes to me, uncertainty will flee,
and I will feel again those little butterflies in my stomach when I am about to arrive
If you tell me yes then how do I re-conquer your love and
discovering things that not even you know about yourself.
Easy for me has always been short-lived,
and I won’t deny it, Easy is better.
but loneliness has driven me crazy,
because love has never been around until you came along.


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