Set me free from the evil ties that bind me to this world. Allowing me to roam unobstructed in this life to only love you and be at your side. I do not want a controlled version of the ...
be quiet my heart be quiet don’t weep you can only wait you can only hope
We took a secret walk I took her hand Not knowing the path ahead First dream Along the path we paused
a young boy around 8 years-old went to the library and would look through the shelves
The funny thing about tears is how powerful they are the tears sliding down my face signal an apology to you for the emotional hurt i’ve given.
It wraps around me Like a cold blanket Suffocating me I cannot break free No matter how hard I try
I didn’t know what sadness meant, I didn’t know what tears meant, These tears that make me cry, I d… I knew only about affection, tende… Because ever since I was little,
You lied to me: Sendack, Shakespeare, Hugo, Cobain, Pablo The Altruist, Hesse, Fitzgerald The Fanatic, Marley, partly you Sanchez, Garcia, Messy The Obscure, E Tu Hewitt?, Vilma The Qu...
who do they think they are my fami… the one i was born into the one I got blood traces to in p… parts of me look around with disda… and wonder why am i
Tis human to err, to make a mistak… And yet often, from slumber, I aw… Hoping, how Satan my soul could t…
I wake up in a dream and you scold… “You were there; this is what I k… Our eyes met across the twisted mi… But as you look upon me now it’s i… You dare even ask what it was that…
Sometimes I just need to feel like I’m really not all alone and someone, somewhere, is at least trying to understand. Then I stumble across a book
Take my eyes For I don’t want to see A world without you Cut my hands For this journey is meaningless
I sound the call and yet I cry for the answer never comes I see the distant ocean sea and hear the sound of drums. And yet, although I would engage,
Sadness, like happiness, is temporary. Emptiness, like fulfillment is temporary. Darkness, like light, is temporary. All things bad are eventually replaced by all things good. Life is a...