He sits in His room, pen and paper at hand, afraid that His missives are nothing but bland. Emotions unbridled
He visto la paz, he visto el dolor descansando en los hombros de nues… ¿Ves la verdad a traves de todas l… ¿Ves el mundo a través de ojos ape… Y si quieres hablar de esto otra v…
It wraps around me Like a cold blanket Suffocating me I cannot break free No matter how hard I try
I stare into this dark abyss of my… I shiver and close my eyes as I f… As my eyes close, I see your face… The vision gives me strength as I… I shiver and close my eyes to type…
Para amar realmente a una mujer y para entenderla, tienes que conocerla profundamente, escuchar cada pensamiento. Ver cada sueño y darle alas cuando ella quiere volar. Entonces cuando t...
Tonight while translating some pages and writing what I consider some good poetry. Well, to me it is good I started recalling an event as bright as a star. How was this possible? Why d...
I wake up in a dream and you scold… “You were there; this is what I k… Our eyes met across the twisted mi… But as you look upon me now it’s i… You dare even ask what it was that…
Usually when I confess to being a… I get the funniest reactions: people think it’s so evil that I have the strangest beliefs.… when they themselves support
I miss you
You bring out the wanderer in me. The walking along the highway in m… The flying my thumb in the wind in… The journey being the adventure in… The walk all night to see your smi…
I looked into the mirror today, an… A reflection of a total stranger. And I heard it repeat in my head. Stranger.... But,
Oh tis the heart that shatters and… For love is necessary for life to… For who can love Of Love"s full t… Love be the reality I hold, but t… I ask of thee! Why is it life can…
We took a secret walk I took her hand Not knowing the path ahead First dream Along the path we paused
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to call y… but I couldn’t fight it I guess I was weak and couldn’t e… and so I surrender just to hear yo… I know how many times I said I’m…
who starts to lie and yet he lies not for some glory’s way, but to protect the one he loved each day from his own brain. And once in every place, there is this man with an empty spa...