The look that makes me mad and losing all resolve submit to her love, for just another glimpse of that soul-dissolving smile.
It’s been so long since I knew anything about you... At last I find myself face to face with myself. A Strange feeling
Small devils, demons, angels soull… Inhabit nether worlds avoid the li… Today they weave their webs in cyb… Vicarious they are another race We worked and played in stark real…
Desperately hanging on the edge of… I listen to the lingering whispers Her voice so sedate and soothing Her hands so warm Her body inviting
The clouds are rolling, the skies… Raindrops are falling, the river i… It’s a river of tears and harsh th… Where are you and why are you not… The wind with force blew and the b…
Today, we no longer write letters to those we want to fall in love with. Today, poems no longer exist to conquer the girl we want to fall in love with. Today, I confess that I would lik...
Away And Lost Love comes with high cost My feelings are dark, alone, and l… Tired of the silence My bleeding heart
Last night an angel told me to fly… Through where there is no fire. That what has been suffered stays… and in prayers, I never died.
You lied to me: Sendack, Shakespeare, Hugo, Cobain, Pablo The Altruist, Hesse, Fitzgerald The Fanatic, Marley, partly you Sanchez, Garcia, Messy The Obscure, E Tu Hewitt?, Vilma The Qu...
I didn’t know what sadness meant, I didn’t know what tears meant, These tears that make me cry, I d… I knew only about affection, tende… Because ever since I was little,
His voice makes all the difference All it takes is a single word From his lips the word does fall In my heart it is heard His voice soothes me
I was there, a nightclub in Paris, in the middle of the crowd when she caught me. Her hazel eyes like flashing sapphires, her skin like the purest vanilla cream, her blonde hair flowing...
Daily she takes over my thoughts a beautiful rebellious image her silhouette in motion . Or her eyes hazel, they have hypnotized me
I wish I could hold you. I wish I could let you cry it all… I wish... But I can’t. I can’t make it all better.